Approach me with your materials problem
Failure analysis studies
Lifecycle assessment
Lifespan and shelf life extension for sustainable supply chains
Materials selection
Extractables & Leachables studies
Impact of irradiation on polymers
You would like to compare your innovative material against off the shelf polymers for long term stability assessment
Selection of materials, manufacturing, evaluation of design aspects and lifecycle management
Filtration products and single use consumables, product validation support
Upstream and downstream applications in life sciences and biotech
Design of accelerated ageing studies and extension of lifespan
Define parameters for autoclaving, SIP, CIP and sterilisation & cleaning
Plasticiser evaluation, Gulsine can figure out any additive package
Pre-post sterilisation material evaluation for embrittlement and other ageing mechanisms
GULSINE works with many major corporations and research organisations across the globe to assess long term stability of critical devices, run failure analysis studies and define products accurate useful lifespan.
Gulsine lab
Dynamic Mechanical Analyser
We have two Perkin Elmer DMA’s.
Climatic chambers and water baths
We have ageing accessory.
Differential Scanning Calorimeter
We have a Perkin Elmer DSC.
We have a Bruker Alpha II FTIR ATR.
And access to various other testing instruments through academic partnerships.