Dream on.

Gulsine is a multidisciplinary expert with twenty years of academic and industrial exposure in many sectors including biopharma and medical devices industries, healthcare, composites and raw materials processing.

She was introduced to a significant carbon emitting problem in the biotech industry in 2017. Products that were released to drug manufacturers, hospitals or patients were prone to years of stability tests to understand and define useful product lifespan. These tests take place inside climatic chambers at high temperatures to simulate real-time product shelf-life at lower temperatures.

Every year, every month, every second millions of products from many industries including electronics, biopharma, nuclear, construction, water pipes and fast moving consumer goods industries across the globe are exposed to years of energy consuming stability tests to validate them for useful lifespan. These validation tests account for up to 10% of the carbon emissions in product introduction and delay product release to market.

Plastics ageing is overlooked. Due to lack of data and expertise, products are aged at a ‘default’ conservative ageing rates (Q10 = 2). This leads to excessive over-ageing in these products. Many of them prematurely fail due to this and the ones that make it are introduced to market with a very conservative shelf-life.

In March 2023, Gulsine took the decision to spread this niche expertise, so she built her business around the existing demand. In 2023, we proudly supported global medical device manufacturers.

Gulsine changes the way you define your products. We eliminate the need of lengthy stability tests completely. We work together with the regulatory bodies and define shelf-life of your products faster, cheaper and with more confidence by applying well calculated polymer ageing data with a cutting-edge scientific method.

A materials informatics platform with invaluable materials ageing data is offered to define the life-span of your products by also considering the external factors of storage temperature, load, chemicals and humidity. The variations are endless. We help release your products to the market faster with extended shelf-life. Applicable to any product that needs to be attained a valid useful life.

Gulsine predicts how products will behave in the longer term also under external environmental effects.

We offer the first and only commercially available product lifespan prediction tool.

*Gulsine offers a free demo for the interested client to understand how much time and resources can be saved by using our platform.